OpenDay CTM 2018 Artificial Intelligence (AI) already enables us to perform complex tasks commonly associated with human minds, by learning from relevant datasets and previous outcomes.It is open for debate whether AI will enable the creation of a digital mind, capable of autonomously conduct scientific research, namely on communications and […]
5th VISUM at Porto Desing Factory The 5th edition of VISUM (ViSion Understanding and Machine Intelligence) Summer School runs from 7 to 14 July at the Porto Design Factory. Organized by INESC TEC, VISUM is intended for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and academics and industry researchers with an interest […]
Open Day CTM 2017 At INESC TEC’s Centre of Telecommunications and Multimedia we research the next evolution in wireless computer networks, electronics, information processing and multimedia. This year undergraduate or Master students at ISEP, FEUP, UTAD, UMinho or Uab that have a research idea in the areas of Telecommunications […]
VISUM – Summer School VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence – visum 2017 is the fifth edition of the Summer School that aims to gather Ph.D. candidates, Post-Doctoral scholars and researchers from academia and industry with research interests in computer vision and machine intelligence. visum is organized by INESC TEC in the scope of the FourEyes project. FourEyes […]
CMMR 2017 The 13th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) will take place in Matosinhos, Porto between 25-28th September 2017. This edition encourages the submission of proposals related to the theme: Music Technology with Swing. Music is not only about sounding, but also about moving: from the […]
NEM-Summit 2016 The NEM Summit is an international conference and exhibition, open to co-located events and organised every year since 2008 by the NEM Initiative (New European Media – European Technology Platform – for all those interested in broad area of Media and Content. Over the years, the […]